Seven months ago the Punjab government officials inaugurated the women only model bazaar established at the defunct GTS Bus Stand in Dera Ghazi Khan District. To date, the market has not been opened to aspirant vendors nor the public while the team in charge of the bazaar was deployed before inauguration. Moonis Elahi said PMLN's operational style is a huge burden on the economy as it merely aims to have an opportunity to gather people and shoot photos while there is no beneficiary outcome of the projects. Millions have been invested in the making of the bazaar which has not a single operational shop nor are there any customers.
It was planned the bazaar would have 40 shops run by women and only women would be allowed to shop from there. The Model Bazaar manager Abdul Rehman Sherwani told reporters that in the start there were some women who showed interest of developing a business but now no woman is willing to rent a shop there. The matter is clear that without proper security and a boundary wall, the bazaar is open to all and women feel they will be harassed by men loitering there. Moonis Elahi criticized the CM's management team saying they should have taken proper security measures in account before inaugurating.
Women aspirants demand security and privacy at the market but the current design clearly lacks both. In the absence of it, not family would allow their women to do business which was against societal norms on culture of the district. Moonis Elahi condemned the act of authorities who failed to look into the matter and an investment of such magnitude will soon be in ruins. Failure to adhere to the demands of the women who seek to establish their business in the Model Bazaar would soon lead to a total failure. However the authorities of the bazaar are reluctant to admit the lackluster of proper security and privacy are the reasons of its failure.
Moonis Elahi said about 51% of our population are females and they should be given a chance to contribute towards the betterment of the nation. However there are many societal norms and cultural hindrances that restrict women to work as freely as men and the government should respect that. Without providing fool proof security and privacy to a women only Model Bazaar, it would be foolish to think about its success at any costs. Poor planning and a haste to create an opportunity for a photo shoot for the press has led to the decision of inaugurating the bazaar without proper amenities.
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